Back in the techno dark ages, I received a Commodore 64 computer and thus began my fascination with the world of microchips and software. A few short years later, I discovered the network of computers that has evolved into what we know today as the Internet. From the first moment that I telnetted out of Wyoming and into Ann Arbor I was enchanted with the idea of being able to travel the world. It was a time of never ending magical explorations into the libraries and universities of other countries. Even though Cyberspace, as John Barlow dubbed it, was at that time text based, it was filled with hidden realms populated by fascinating people.

Through Internet Relay Chat (IRC) I was able to converse with others from around the globe, to voraciously pursue knowledge, and to discuss first hand, global issues with those who were directly affected. Through MUDs I was able to allow my imagination full reign. This heightened my love affair with computers that today has extended into the recesses of their hardware. As I once explored their outer realms, today I also enjoy the challenge of tearing down, building, and upgrading my own hardware. I pride myself on being able to start with an empty case, a whisper clean hard drive, and from there, custom configure my system. Have screwdriver, will "hotrod."

When HTML hit the scene, my techno affair deepened. I was enthralled with the new ability for graphical representation on the Net. Finally, finally I had found the answer to the question I had asked my entire life:"How can I ever blend my Artist Self with my Scientist/Magician Self?" Computers. . .new media. . digital alchemy. The best of both worlds!

My life as a Scholar gave me a love for computers, my life as an Artist has given me an appreciation for them.You will see in my work an influence of a lifetime working in traditional media; oil, water colour, graphite, and clay. Light holds my greatest fascination and attempting to add "light" to my digital work is my greatest challenge. Another deep love and influence stems from stones and bones and dirt and chert, metals, pots and glazes.

I truly never know what a piece will become until it is finished. My work comes from some primal place inside of me and may at one moment be deep and rich, and another whimsical. I gave up trying to label it years ago, preferring, instead, just to do it.

Thank you for encouraging my behavior.